A thought on GenAi

I just had to use GenAI to 'code something' because search sucks.. But that isn't the interesting part. See i spent like an hour polishing the turd it gave me... the original output had a lot of deprecated api usage, and php warnings in it.. Which under my current set up warnings are treated as errors because they output to stderr. Which Nginx doesn't like... Anyway. 45-60 minutes polishing, and it's still not very performant code.. I'll probably pound on it some tomorrow, add caching or something not the point.

AI, or the large dataset statistical modeling sort of "AI" that's currently being hyped will never replace human intellectual labor because in order to use the output it generates a human who knows what they're doing still must be involved somewhere in the pipeline.. When humans aren't the results can be subpar at best and disastrous at worst.

Is the "market" aware of this yet, i don't think so.. But AI seems more and more like a bubble waiting to burst the more i work with it//